NGO “Baltic HIV Association” in May 22 will present on progress and discuss further work on prevension.

May 22, 2015 at the hotel “Konventa seta” NGO ,,Baltic HIV Association” is organizing the project ,,Promoting social inclusion of men who have sex with men (MSM) by improving access and quality of health care services” Closing conference, in which participants will be presented with the progress made during the project. This project started in January 2014 and will be finished in June 2015.

The conference will be opened by the project co-operation partners – the Ministry of Health – Deputy State Secretary E.Pole. With the work done during the project will introduce NGO ,,Baltic HIV Association” Chairman of the Board, the project manager I.Upmace, head of “Checkpoint” I.Bulmistre, supporting networking doctors A.Nicmane – Aišpure and D.Semjonova, Director of the club “GOLDEN” M.Skangalis and project researcher A.Ķīvīte.

There are also invited guest speakers from the World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe (A.Mozaļevskis), Robert Koch Institute (S.Dudareva – Vizule) and Norwegian Gay and Lesbian Organisation (R.Angeltvedt). In the discussion on further improvement of service quality, in cooperation with non-governmental organizations and practitioners, as well as the feasibility of continuing the project activities, at the conclusion of projects, will participate the head of WHO Country Office A.Rūrāne, Riga City Council deputy B.Rozentāle, head of ,,Mosaic” K.Garina and head of “AGIHAS” A.Veiķenieks. This discussion will be chaired by journalist Inga Paparde. The project implementers will offer to discuss and adopt a resolution on the prevention of the further need to continue working and adequate health care to all HIV exposed population groups, including the project target group.
The project is implemented by the support of European Economic Area Financial Mechanism 2009- 2014 period program “NGO Fund” sub ”NGO project program”. The project is co-financed by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.

“Baltic HIV Association” would like to thank its partner organizations – the Ministry of Health, ,,Mosaic” and the Norwegian Gay and lesbian health organization for the involvement, as well as Glaxo Smith Kline, B.BRAUN Medical, HIV.LV and individual contributors for financial support for the implementation of the project!