Network of Supporting Doctors for man having sexual relationship with men has expanded

“Baltic HIV Association” is pleased to announce that its Network of Supporting Doctors for man having sexual relationship with men, operating within the framework of Checkpoint project, has expanded.

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As of January 2015, 18 men-friendly doctors – dermatovenereologists, infectologists – hepatologists and addiction specialists and family physicians will be available in Riga.

For more detailed information on doctors and services provided visit


The Checkpoint is opened within the project “Promoting social inclusion of men who have sex with men (MSM) by improving access and quality of health care services”.
The project is being implemented within the framework of the EEA Financial Mechanism for 2009 – 2014 Grants programmes “NGO Fund” sub-programme “NGO Project Measure”. The Project is supervised by the Social Integration Fund and it is co-financed by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.
