Checkpoint, the first consultation and testing place for males, celebrated its second birthday!

Checkpoint had its second birthday on 5th march, 2016. These two years have been very productive. During the first year 180 people were tested but during the second year we tested 517 people for the first time, but 124 people came repeatedly.

We have continued our collaboration with clubs XXL and Golden and we have taken part in activities organized by Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (CDPC) of Latvia – HIV testing week and Hepatitis testing week. We collaborated with association “Papardes zieds” in project where we tested and consulted women who are sexual workers.

In 2016 Testpunkts started a new project. Together with LGBT and their friends’ association Mozaika and association AGIHAS we are working on project “Koalīcija pārmaiņām”. Due to this project Testpunkts now is able to offer its services to wider range of people – now we offer our testing and consultations for everyone.