Checkpoint project has ended

On June 30, 2015 project “Promoting social inclusion of men who have sex with men (MSM) by improving access and quality of health care services” has ended.

Within the project Checkpoint, network of MSM supporting doctors, as well as team of trained volunteers have been created, and regular evaluation of provided services has been carried out.

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After the project, during the summer time, volunteers will ensure the work of Checkpoint. The main coordinator for this will be Sandra Milta – undergraduate student at Riga Stradins University.

Checkpoint is open for every person with high risk of infection, simply seeking information on prevention of infection or willing to make an express testing on HIV and syphilis.

If you wish to visit Checkpoint, we kindly ask you to make an appointment calling +371 2844 1324.

Project team has collected data on services provided in Checkpoint and the second infographic on the results will follow soon.

In order to support the further work of Checkpoint NGO “Baltic HIV Association” asks for donation. If you would like to support us, please see this information on how to donate. Thank you!
