In the European project HERMETIC (2015-2018), were combined statistical modelling and surveillance data to estimate HIV incidence, the distribution of time from HIV infection to diagnosis and the number of individuals living with undiagnosed HIV at the national and...
National Health Department in Latvia decided to revoke the criteria regarding receiving free access to HIV treatments. Starting 1st October patients with HIV can get government compensated medicine for HIV treatment irrespective of their CD4 cell count.
NGO “Baltic HIV Association’s” Checkpoint takes part in the training within World Health Organization’s project! On 10th – 11th June colleaguesfromthe Centre for Epidemiological Studies of Sexually Transmitted Disease and AIDS in Catalonia (CEEISCAT)were in Latvia to train Checkpointstafffor...
Hepatitis week in Checkpoint came to its conclusion. Despite the fact there was extra attention brought to media and social networks about the diagnostics of Hepatitis C, only 10 persons used the chance get tested. Checkpoint reminds: Everyone is...